11 research outputs found

    Radio Weak Lensing Shear Measurement in the Visibility Domain - II. Source Extraction

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    This paper extends the method introduced in Rivi et al. (2016b) to measure galaxy ellipticities in the visibility domain for radio weak lensing surveys. In that paper we focused on the development and testing of the method for the simple case of individual galaxies located at the phase centre, and proposed to extend it to the realistic case of many sources in the field of view by isolating visibilities of each source with a faceting technique. In this second paper we present a detailed algorithm for source extraction in the visibility domain and show its effectiveness as a function of the source number density by running simulations of SKA1-MID observations in the band 950-1150 MHz and comparing original and measured values of galaxies' ellipticities. Shear measurements from a realistic population of 10^4 galaxies randomly located in a field of view of 1 deg^2 (i.e. the source density expected for the current radio weak lensing survey proposal with SKA1) are also performed. At SNR >= 10, the multiplicative bias is only a factor 1.5 worse than what found when analysing individual sources, and is still comparable to the bias values reported for similar measurement methods at optical wavelengths. The additive bias is unchanged from the case of individual sources, but is significantly larger than typically found in optical surveys. This bias depends on the shape of the uv coverage and we suggest that a uv-plane weighting scheme to produce a more isotropic shape could reduce and control additive bias.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS accepte

    RadioLensfit: Bayesian weak lensing measurement in the visibility domain

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    Observationally, weak lensing has been served so far by optical surveys due to the much larger number densities of background galaxies achieved, which is typically by two to three orders of magnitude compared to radio. However, the high sensitivity of the new generation of radio telescopes such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will provide a density of detected galaxies that is comparable to that found at optical wavelengths, and with significant source shape measurements to make large area radio surveys competitive for weak lensing studies. This will lead weak lensing to become one of the primary science drivers in radio surveys too, with the advantage that they will access the largest scales in the Universe going beyond optical surveys, like LSST and Euclid, in terms of redshifts that are probed. RadioLensfit is an adaptation to radio data of "lensfit", a model-fitting approach for galaxy shear measurement, originally developed for optical weak lensing surveys. Its key advantage is working directly in the visibility domain, which is the natural approach to adopt with radio data, avoiding systematics due to the imaging process. We present results on galaxy shear measurements, including investigation of sensitivity to instrumental parameters such as the visibilities gridding size, based on simulations of individual galaxy visibilities performed by using SKA1-MID baseline configuration. We get an amplitude of the shear bias in the method comparable with SKA1 requirements for a population of galaxies with realistic flux and scalelength distributions estimated from the VLA SWIRE catalog.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, The many facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges, Bologna 20-23, 201

    Radio Galaxy Detection in the Visibility Domain

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    We explore a new Bayesian method of detecting galaxies from radio interferometric data of the faint sky. Working in the Fourier domain, we fit a single, parameterised galaxy model to simulated visibility data of star-forming galaxies. The resulting multimodal posterior distribution is then sampled using a multimodal nested sampling algorithm such as MultiNest. For each galaxy, we construct parameter estimates for the position, flux, scale-length and ellipticities from the posterior samples. We first test our approach on simulated SKA1-MID visibility data of up to 100 galaxies in the field of view, considering a typical weak lensing survey regime (SNR ≥10\ge 10) where 98% of the input galaxies are detected with no spurious source detections. We then explore the low SNR regime, finding our approach reliable in galaxy detection and providing in particular high accuracy in positional estimates down to SNR ∼5\sim 5. The presented method does not require transformation of visibilities to the image domain, and requires no prior knowledge of the number of galaxies in the field of view, thus could become a useful tool for constructing accurate radio galaxy catalogs in the future.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    GPU Accelerated Particle Visualization with Splotch

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    Splotch is a rendering algorithm for exploration and visual discovery in particle-based datasets coming from astronomical observations or numerical simulations. The strengths of the approach are production of high quality imagery and support for very large-scale datasets through an effective mix of the OpenMP and MPI parallel programming paradigms. This article reports our experiences in re-designing Splotch for exploiting emerging HPC architectures nowadays increasingly populated with GPUs. A performance model is introduced for data transfers, computations and memory access, to guide our re-factoring of Splotch. A number of parallelization issues are discussed, in particular relating to race conditions and workload balancing, towards achieving optimal performances. Our implementation was accomplished by using the CUDA programming paradigm. Our strategy is founded on novel schemes achieving optimized data organisation and classification of particles. We deploy a reference simulation to present performance results on acceleration gains and scalability. We finally outline our vision for future work developments including possibilities for further optimisations and exploitation of emerging technologies.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Astronomy and Computing (2014

    Some bounds for the genus of Mn�IMn � I

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    Starting from a (i,j)(i,j)-symmetric crystallization (ΓMn,γMn)(Γ_{Mn},γ_{Mn}) of a closed n-manifolds MnMn, we give an algorithm to build a crystallization (ΓAMn,γAMn)(ΓA_{Mn},γA_{Mn}) OF Mn�IMn� I. This algorithm allows to give a formula for the calculation of the regular genus of (ΓAMn,γAMn)(ΓA_{Mn}, γA_{Mn}), in the cases n=2,3n=2,3, and some bounds for the genus of the product-manifolds represented

    Representing products of manifolds by edge-coloured graphs: the boundary case

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    Contribution of parallel NSGA-II in optimal design of water distribution networks

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    Optimization of water distribution networks is a NP-hard problem that researchers have tried to deal with using different formulations and algorithmic approaches. Among these, multi-objective heuristic algorithms are interesting because of their capacity for dealing with separate objectives that allow us to choose a posteriori the best compromise, but one of their main drawbacks is the long time required to obtain good solutions. Parallel processing is the most promising way to reduce the computing time and can make the convergence to adequate solutions faster. This paper intends to investigate the possibility of improving the efficacy and efficiency of an NSGA-II algorithm by parallelization of the optimization process at the same time. Results of different parallel implementations of NSGA-II applied to optimal design of small-and medium-size water distribution networks are presented. Good speed-up can be reached with a global model, hence improving the algorithm efficiency. Unlike the global model, the island model (or the hierarchical parallelization) can also improve its efficacy because it introduces fundamental changes in the algorithm exploration method. Possibilities offered by parallel island models have been investigated showing that some parameter configurations can find better solutions compared with the serial version of the algorithm. © IWA Publishing 2012